How to Install the Cajun Winch Pro Bottle Reel
by Cajun BowfishingIn this next tutorial video, Derek from the Firehouse Bowfishing squad walks owners of the Sucker Punch Pro bowfishing bow through the proper steps to install the Cajun Winch Pro bottle reel. Regardless of whether you're shooting a bottle, drum, or standard reel this component will be one of the most critical in your bowfishing setup.
Bowfishing is an unforgiving exertion that taxes equipment under intense conditions. The Winch Pro takes the punishment and keeps asking for more. The all new Winch Pro introduces a revolutionary design that allows the ability to brake and reel simultaneously to better bring in monsters up from the depths day after day or night after night.
Enjoy Part IV!
Missed a step? Check out Part III: Installing the Cajun Brush Fire arrow Rest
Ready for the next part, check out episode V: Setting up your Bowfishing Arrows