How to Choose a Broadhead for Turkey Season
by Bear ArcheryDon’t think that you have to shoot a turkey specific broadhead for turkeys or that only turkey broadheads will work for hunting turkeys! Here are a few things to keep in mind when making the call for yourself.
If you’re shooting a lower poundage bow (50lbs or less) or have a short draw length (27” and under), it’s recommended to stay away from mechanical broadheads. The reason why is because mechanical broadheads shot with 50 pounds or less could “potentially” have deployment issues. My opinion is, “Don’t risk it!”; there are tons of great fixed head options on the market, so pick one that shoots good with your lower poundage setup and run with it! Check out Rocket Broadheads Psycho 100 Grain 3 blade laser sharpened stainless steel blades with a one-piece stainless-steel ferrule producing a 1.25” cutting diameter for under $35 per 3-pack!
Fixed broadheads are one of the most reliable options on the market, so don’t think you “should” shoot mechanicals if you’re shooting over 50lbs. Razor sharp fixed blade broadheads are bone crushing deadly accurate, so shoot what you’re most confident shooting this spring!
Now you’re looking at mechanical broadheads… how in the heck do you pick the right one out!? They have tons of options but keep it simple and don’t overthink this! More blades will increase your cutting surface and increase the amount of blood loss to help you track your bird if it manages to run off. The last thing that some people fail to do is only taking shots that they’re confident with. Just because you have a large cutting surface, doesn’t mean you don’t need good shot placement. Take some time to learn the anatomy of a turkey so that you feel comfortable taking different shots. Don’t rush it, you will get the shot you want if you’re patient! Check out Rocket Broadheads Siphon 100 grain, stainless steel tip with 3-razor sharp blades producing a large 1.75” cutting diameter for under $40 per 3-pack!
Practice shooting like it’s the real hunt and set up for real life scenarios! I am a big believer in practice shooting actual broadheads to make sure they are flying like your field points, or if needed, you can make some adjustments to your sight. Designate one or two of your broadheads as “practice” heads to make sure your hunting broadheads stay razor sharp! You will also more than likely be shooting out of a ground blind or permanent blind while sitting on a chair. Take that chair that you’re going to be hunting with to the range! Get some reps practicing how you will be hunting! If you haven’t shot out of a ground blind much, set one up and shoot out of it! Give yourself the most realistic practice you can to prepare yourself for your hunt!
Good luck this season!